Frequently Asked Questions

The format might vary from event to event. But as a guide we try to include the following parts:

1. Welcome and housekeeping rules (CoC, reporting CoC violations, schedule, etc.)
2. Introduction to contributing to open source - mini-workshop on how to do your first contribution to an open-source project (optional live event or watch party)
3. Mentors & project presentation - introduce mentors and the project(s) they can provide mentorship for
4. Assemble teams - folks join the project they want to contribute to
5. Sprint!!
6. Celebrate wins

You definitely can. Mentored Sprints are designed to provide support and opportunities to beginners and experienced folks alike. We cover beginners friendly workshops and provide a set of resources to get you started.

Absolutely! We want to dismantle the idea that only code contributions matter. We make sure folks with diverse backgrounds have success opportunities at each sprint. If you are a writer, designer, project manager, lawyer or whatever your current career is you are welcome and we will make sure this is a meaningful experience for you.

We are always happy to partner with folks interested in running Mentored Sprints. However, we are a small bunch of very busy folks so it is not always possible. Please reach out using our contact form here and we can discuss this further.

Yes, you can use the Code of Conduct from Mentored Sprints. You can find this in the Comunity handbook. It is released under a CC-BY license so you will need to keep the attribution section and attribute our source. Also, remember a CoC of conduct on its own is not enough. It needs to be enforced.

Definitely! Due to the many challenges introduced by the 2020 Covid-19 situation we had to pivot to online sprints. Make sure to check the Community handbook to learn how to best organise this kind of sprints.

Make sure to check the Organisers section in this website. There you will find a useful guide to get you through the organisation phase, as well as our brand guidelines and guidelines to add your event to our website for outreach.

You can check our website regularly or you can join our Newsletter.

Mentored Sprints is an open-source project run by a bunch of folks. We are always happy to onboard new contributors or organisers. You can head to our GitHub organisation and start contributing right away or you can get in touch through our contact form.